How to Resist Amazon and Why

The Fight for Local Economics, Data Privacy, Fair Labor, Independent Bookstores, and a People-Powered Future!

Azal biguna, 190 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2022ko ira. 27a(e)an Microcosm Publishing(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

Baloraziorik ez (berrikuspen 1)

When a company’s workers are literally dying on the job, when their business model relies on preying on local businesses and even their own vendors, when their CEO is the richest person in the world while their workers make low wages with impossible quotas… wouldn’t you want to resist? Danny Caine, owner of Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kansas has been an outspoken critic of the seemingly unstoppable Goliath of the bookselling world: Amazon. In this book, he lays out the case for shifting our personal money and civic investment away from global corporate behemoths and to small, local, independent businesses. Well-researched and lively, his tale covers the history of big box stores, the big political drama of delivery, and the perils of warehouse work. He shows how Amazon’s ruthless discount strategies mean authors, publishers, and even Amazon themselves can lose money on every book sold. And he spells out …

4 edizio

Review of 'How to Resist Amazon and Why' on 'Goodreads'

Baloraziorik ez

Simultaneously surprised and not surprised while reading this. It's hard not to notice how all-encompassing this corporation can be (he types on one of their websites), but this was a succinct argument and look at exactly what's so bad about that. Also, as someone who reads a lot of physical books and almost exclusively buys everything from local small bookshops, I did not realize that Amazon alone accounts for roughly half of all books sold in the US, and small businesses are only between 6-8% of the pie.

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