Ghost story

518 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2016ko abu. 5a(e)an argitaratua

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izar 1 (berrikuspen 1)

"What was the worst thing you've ever done? In the sleepy town of Milburn, New York, four old men gather to tell each other stories--some true, some made-up, all of them frightening. A simple pastime to divert themselves from their quiet lives. But one story is coming back to haunt them and their small town. A tale of something they did long ago. A wicked mistake. A horrifying accident. And they are about to learn that no one can bury the past forever ..."--

2 edizio

Review of 'Ghost story' on 'Goodreads'

izar 1

Oh wow. What a fundamentally unenjoyable experience reading this book was.

I'll try to keep this short because I hate the idea of giving this book even more time than it's already taken from me, but this really felt like a story that did not want to be told. Thematically I suppose that makes sense because at the center of it all lies an event that happened a long time ago and that five of the main characters would very much like to keep in the past, but you don't even find that out until 3/4s of the way through the book. Every bit of progress felt like pulling teeth and there's just way too much nothing happening on these pages.

It leans very heavily on a Gothic Horror style, being very oppressive and isolated and claustrophobic at times, but I simply... didn't care. Damn near the entire town gets …


  • Death
  • Storytelling
  • Secrets
  • Fiction
  • Ghost stories
  • Ghosts
  • Older men
  • City and town life


  • New York (State)