5 stars
Aspaldi irakurri nuen, eta erdi ahaztuta nuenez, berriro irakurri dut. Izugarri gozatu dut. Ez da 100 años de soledad bezain inpaktantea, baina ia-ia. Erabilttzen duen umorea, pertsonaien deskripzioak.... inpekablea.
Love in the Time of Cholera (Spanish: El amor en los tiempos del cólera) is a novel written in Spanish by Colombian Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez and published in 1985. Edith Grossman's English translation was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1988.
Aspaldi irakurri nuen, eta erdi ahaztuta nuenez, berriro irakurri dut. Izugarri gozatu dut. Ez da 100 años de soledad bezain inpaktantea, baina ia-ia. Erabilttzen duen umorea, pertsonaien deskripzioak.... inpekablea.
Whew! I finally finished this book...and I am glad I did. For some reason this book never inspired that "page turner" fever in me. Don't get me wrong, it held my attention and I did love it, but I was never in a race to finish this book. I'm not sure what it was about this story that allowed me to interrupt it with other books, then come back. Maybe I subconsciously wanted to savor the story.
I'll let others decide this books virtues and place in the pantheon of literature. I loved the beautifully drawn characters. I loved the vivid sense of place and period. I loved the dense sentences, each one chewy and sweet. I loved the humanity in this novel.
I didn't love the pacing, yet I doubt I would want it changed - back to that savoring thing, I guess. I should have read this book …
Whew! I finally finished this book...and I am glad I did. For some reason this book never inspired that "page turner" fever in me. Don't get me wrong, it held my attention and I did love it, but I was never in a race to finish this book. I'm not sure what it was about this story that allowed me to interrupt it with other books, then come back. Maybe I subconsciously wanted to savor the story.
I'll let others decide this books virtues and place in the pantheon of literature. I loved the beautifully drawn characters. I loved the vivid sense of place and period. I loved the dense sentences, each one chewy and sweet. I loved the humanity in this novel.
I didn't love the pacing, yet I doubt I would want it changed - back to that savoring thing, I guess. I should have read this book on a cruise, then I wouldn't be picking nits.
I do think you should read this book. Just don't tempt yourself by putting other books on your nightstand at the same time.