How To Stop Fascism

History, Ideology, Resistance

Azal gogorra, 256 orrialde

English hizkuntza

Allen Lane(e)k argitaratua.

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In How To Stop Fascism, award winning journalist Paul Mason warns the Capitol Hill riot was no one-off. It is evidence of a global trend: the convergence of right-wing populism with a new kind of fascism.

Though the far-right groups number maybe tens of thousands, their thought-patterns are spreading to millions of people, via conspiracy theories like QAnon, through Telegram and Discord channels and through acts of symbolic violence.

We are no longer dealing with ‘tribute bands’ to Nazism: fascism has been regrown from its philosophical roots, in pre-1914 Europe – scientific racism, irrationalism and power worship. And while the first fascism was focused on racial hierarchies, today’s far right is equally obsessed with gender – at war with feminism and liberalism as well as the left.

To stop their rise, Mason argues we need to do three things:

• revive the anti-fascist ethos, so that instead of a small …

2 edizio