Julie R (e)k Ling Ma(r)en Bliss Montage liburuaren kritika egin du
Weird, but entertaining. No real endings, though.
3 izar
Weird and entertaining, but I was often frustrated by the lack of any real ending to the pieces. These all seem to the written in the most modern of lit styling - surreality coupled with a false depth that feels humorous or profound depending on your mood and temperament. Just as I would accept the premise and become engrossed in the character or plot, the story would just...stop. It feels a bit lazy, honestly. Having said that, what is written here is fascinating in its weirdness. I like it the same way I like Sabrina Orah Mark's work - these stories are less melancholic and fairy tale-ish than hers, but retain that same wtf-ery. I think it's good to stretch our expectations of reality through stories this way, esp in a time when it's hard to be surprised by things.