JFernly@bookwyrm.social (e)k V. E. Schwab(r)en The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue liburuaren kritika egin du
Addie on the run
4 izar
Edukiari buruzko abisua Vague spoilers ahead!
Throughly enjoyed this book however I think I would have preferred Addie to twist at the end and embrace her lack of humanity - becoming something like Luc. Other reviewers have commented on how stagnant Addie's character is and I really feel that is true. Luc, a literal god of darkness, has more character development than Addie does.
The writing implies that Luc is unable to break her curse, yet even as he loves her she can never allow herself to accept anything he tells her because he cursed her _____ hundred years ago?
I feel a better character arc for Addie would be allowing herself to accept Luc's love, growing to recognize herself as no longer human, and putting her curse to work in a way that can affect real good in the world. Addie is so stuck on trying to be remembered and wanting to be held but when there is someone offering that to her she is still unwilling to take it. Why?
Three hundred years and she is still running. As it is I appreciated her steadfast need for freedom above all else - but sometimes one's greatest strength can become their greatest downfall.