Anarchism in Local Governance

A Case Study from Finland

Azalik ez

Anarchism in Local Governance (2019, Anthem Press)

English hizkuntza

2019ko urt. 15a(e)an Anthem Press(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

Baloraziorik ez (berrikuspen 1)

Edizio 1

(e)k Stephen Condit(r)en Anarchism in Local Governance kritika egin du

Anarchism and Local Governance?

Baloraziorik ez

I was quite intrigued by the title. However, the book is mainly about how to justify to work in a local council as anarchist. To achieve that, the author dives deep in anarchist history and theory. The actual work the author in the council does, does not play a big role. I think, that would be the interesting point: Is a single council member able to achieve anarchist goals? The examples he gives are...dull, he was able to help (!) in establishing a community center. Good Sir, for that, we don't no council!


  • Local government, europe
  • Anarchism