The Last House on Needless Street

Azal gogorra

2021ko api. 5a(e)an Viper(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

5 izar (2 berrikuspen)

4 edizio

Amazing and Unexpectedly Poignant

5 izar

When assigning stars to reviews, I am loathe to give five out of five. Generally, my highest rating is 4.5, because I know that there are actual five-star books out there and I’ll know them when I read them. This book is a five-star, and I didn’t even pause to think about it.

I don’t want to say anything about the story because it’s so well-written and amazingly tight that any plot or character discussion could easily spoil the experience. Let’s just say that it was emotionally surprising and leave it at that.

Additionally, I’d add that I believe it’s the only “horror/thriller” fiction I’ve ever read that has a multi-page bibliography. Catriona Ward did her research, and she has a new fan in me. A beautifully written, superb piece of fiction.

Review of 'The Last House on Needless Street' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

I picked this book from the local store shortly after finishing Sundial, because I really enjoyed Catriona Ward's writing.

This was another thrilling page-turner about a young girl's disappearance in rural Washington state and the people who are involved in solving the mystery.

Catriona Ward is a force of nature behind the written word. She's fast becoming one of my favorite authors.