400 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2017ko eka. 27a(e)an Penguin Random House(e)n argitaratua.


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4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

India, 1919. Desperate for a fresh start, Captain Sam Wyndham arrives to take up an important post in Calcutta's police force.

He is soon called to the scene of a horrifying murder. The victim was a senior official, and a note left in his mouth warns the British to leave India - or else.

With the stability of the Empire under threat, Wyndham and Sergeant 'Surrender-not' Banerjee must solve the case quickly. But there are some who will do anything to stop them...

3 edizio

A good old-fashioned thriller

4 izar

I know next to nothing about the British Raj in Calcutta after WWI, so I found this tale both enjoyable and highly informative. The main characters are likeable, the story is told at a good pace, and the plotting is accomplished. Shame the identity of the murderer was telegraphed so clearly that guessed it after reading only 20% of the book...


  • India, fiction
  • Fiction, mystery & detective, historical
  • Fiction, crime