The taking of Pelham one two three

350 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1974ko mar. 11a(e)an Dell(e)n argitaratua.

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Baloraziorik ez (berrikuspen 1)

After a New York City train leaves the Pelham station at 1:23 p.m., four armed men take control of it—along with seventeen passengers. Their demands are simple: deliver one million dollars, or the hostages will be killed one by one. Fast-paced and intensely psychological, this novel tells the story from the point of view of each of the hijackers—revealing each man’s motivations, desperations, and fatal flaws.

14 edizio

Artefaktu ona

Baloraziorik ez

Artefakto ederra. %100 New York (hala saltzen juek behintzat), sekulan bertan izan barik hango txokuekin ohittuta gagozenondako hur-hurreko hirixari pultsua hartzeko balixo jeskuena. Izan be, bahiketian atxakixiakin horixe dok erakusten jakuna: hirixa, tuneletan arnasten; jente ufalen zirkulaziñua, bere zanetan; ulertzeko gatxak dirazen portaerak, bere nerbio sisteman... Erritmuan maneju bikaiña, oso gustora irakortzen dan nobela berezi honetan (best sellerren kanonetik aparte).