oxytocin (e)k Patrick Rothfuss(r)en The Wise Man's Fear liburuaren kritika egin du
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Pretty similar to the first book (but in a good way)
English hizkuntza
2011ko abu. 8a(e)an Gollancz(e)n argitaratua.
Sequel to the extraordinary THE NAME OF THE WIND, THE WISE MAN'S FEAR is the second instalment of this superb fantasy trilogy from Patrick Rothfuss. This is the most exciting fantasy series since George R. R. Martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, and a must-read for all fans of HBO's GAME OF THRONES.
Picking up the tale of Kvothe Kingkiller once again, we follow him into exile, into political intrigue, courtship, adventure, love and magic ... and further along the path that has turned Kvothe, the mightiest magician of his age, a legend in his own time, into Kote, the unassuming pub landlord.
Packed with as much magic, adventure and home-grown drama as THE NAME OF THE WIND, this is a sequel in every way the equal to its predecessor and a must-read for all fantasy fans. Readable, engaging and gripping THE WISE MAN'S FEAR is the biggest and …
Sequel to the extraordinary THE NAME OF THE WIND, THE WISE MAN'S FEAR is the second instalment of this superb fantasy trilogy from Patrick Rothfuss. This is the most exciting fantasy series since George R. R. Martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, and a must-read for all fans of HBO's GAME OF THRONES.
Picking up the tale of Kvothe Kingkiller once again, we follow him into exile, into political intrigue, courtship, adventure, love and magic ... and further along the path that has turned Kvothe, the mightiest magician of his age, a legend in his own time, into Kote, the unassuming pub landlord.
Packed with as much magic, adventure and home-grown drama as THE NAME OF THE WIND, this is a sequel in every way the equal to its predecessor and a must-read for all fantasy fans. Readable, engaging and gripping THE WISE MAN'S FEAR is the biggest and the best new fantasy novel out there.
Source: www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9780575088078
Pretty similar to the first book (but in a good way)
Un libro que va de menos a más. Empieza con Kvothe en la universidad y pienso "jo, otra vez las tonterías del chaval este que si anda justo de dinero, se pelea con Ambrose y hace enfadar a sus maestros". Pero hacia la mitad de la novela se toma un tiempo sabático para viajar y conocer mundo, y se convierte en un libro mucho más interesante con un trasfondo muy amplio. Ahora solo queda esperar si alguna vez veremos la trilogía terminada.
Lehenengoa azkar batean irakurri eta bigarren bat zegoela jakin nuen hura bukatutakoan. Bigarrena lehengoa baino gehiago gustatu zait. Pena hain astiro idazten duela Patrick Rothfussek eta hirugarrena irakurtzeko bi urte itxaron beharko dugula, behintzat