Fellowship Point

A Novel

Azalik ez

Fellowship Point (2022, Scribner)

English hizkuntza

2022ko aza. 26a(e)an Scribner(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

2 izar (berrikuspen 1)

5 edizio

(e)k Alice Elliott Dark(r)en Fellowship Point kritika egin du

Heartwarming on the surface but seething down below

2 izar

Fellowship Point is a peninsula off the coast of Maine, once held by a proud indigenous hunting community before being taken over by rich American aristocrats—the Fellowship founders. The Fellowship established five grand manors on the peninsula, allowing the partners and their descendants to conserve the natural wonders of the Sank—now a bird sanctuary, but once a fertile hunting ground for the peninsula's rightful stewards.

The story follows two of the founding partners' descendants, Agnes and Polly, who were life-long friends, but now in their eighties, faced with the prospect of their own mortality and the conundrum of what to do with Fellowship Point once they're gone. Polly's children wish to dissolve the fellowship and develop the land for profit, as does the only other known descendant, Archie. Agnes has no children and fears that once she's gone, all her and her ancestors' conservation efforts would be for naught.

On …