The Golden Notebook

A Novel

Azalik ez

Doris Lessing: The Golden Notebook (Paperback, 2008, Harper Perennial Modern Classics)

Paperback, 672 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2008ko mar. 18a(e)an Harper Perennial Modern Classics(e)n argitaratua.

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Baloraziorik ez (berrikuspen 1)

The story of the inner and outer life of Anna, a young writer, single mother and member of the Communist Party, struggling with crises both in her domestic and political life, this book was hailed as a landmark by the Women's Movement.

46 edizio

(e)k Doris Lessing(r)en The golden notebook liburuaren kritika egin du (Harper Perennial modern classics)

what gets left out

Baloraziorik ez

Not so sure what to say about this one or what to think about it. It's long, and at times tedious, but it's also really interesting. It offers a picture of both the cynicism and hope embedded in socialist and communist circles during the middle 20th Century. It also is very focused on the act of "naming"...and how that act pins things down, "buttons them up," and sometimes even gives relief.

A novel about the process of writing a novel, about translating experience into something else, and about how that act of translation will always leave something out.


  • Women Authors
  • Fiction / General
  • Literature - Classics / Criticism