kakapo (e)k Brandon Sanderson(r)en El Imperio final liburuaren kritika egin du (Nacidos de la bruma, #1)
El imperio final
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Mundu konplexua sortzeko, erlijioaren tratua eta, batez ere, pertsonaiak sortzeko duen trebezia.
669 orrialde
Spanish hizkuntza
2018ko abu. 8a(e)an argitaratua
Mistborn: The Final Empire, also known simply as Mistborn or The Final Empire, is a fantasy novel written by American author Brandon Sanderson. It was published on July 17, 2006, by Tor Books and is the first novel in the Mistborn trilogy, followed by The Well of Ascension in 2007 and The Hero of Ages in 2008.
Mundu konplexua sortzeko, erlijioaren tratua eta, batez ere, pertsonaiak sortzeko duen trebezia.
The first quarter of the book is weak, boring, and I almost stopped reading. Is good that I didn't because the story, narration, and overall writing gets much better. What I like about the story is that it shows the flaws in the characters and the consequences making them more alive as opposed to too fictional because of obvious plot armor.
I can't say I wasn't entertained, but somehow I wasn't 100% sold. The characters were relatable, and I liked the general comradery of the main characters.
It was a good change from my usual fare, even though the magic system (which was cool) felt a bit too much like science fiction with it's many rules and identifiable patterns.