13 segundoko bideo honetan transexualitateaz jakin beharreko gauza garrantzitsuenak ederki laburtzen dira.
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#ReligionIsPoison #LGBTQ #lgbtqia #trans #Leviticus19
Until then, it's your run of the mill bigotry.
Reuters - "Spain's first transgender soccer team makes debut in regional men's league"
"A soccer team consisting entirely of transgender men has made its debut in a regional league in Spain, overcoming administrative challenges and prejudice to become the first all-trans squad to achieve federated status in Europe"
🆘🏳️⚧️ Need help: I am doing research for a campaign to show support for #trans and #nonbinary people.
The target audience is mainstream / non-activist hetero-cis people. We are working with #nonbinary, #genderfluid, #gendernonconforming people... to embrace and celebrate diversity in all its complexity.
Do you know strategies to talk about this with mainstream audiences? How to avoid backlash? Examples of inspiring projects or people? Personal stories?
Thank you! 💖 (you can reply in EN, ES, PT).
Algo que me da miedo con lo que está sucediendo con la boxeadora Imane Khelif es que muestra que no hace falta ser #trans para ser víctima de #transfobia
Ahí se rompe un límite. No importa nada. Los conservas pueden discriminar a quien quieran por la razón que sea. El éxtasis fascista de que no importen los hechos. Fake new de lo que quieras.
Y en esa ruptura, se ocultan las formas reales de discriminación: #racismo ideales coloniales de estética o de género
Politics for you: "Women’s 100 meter runners told to slow down towards the end and let the white athletes catch up incase JK Rowling calls them men and starts an international witch hunt."
"I'm not joking when I tell you that multiple men have asked me, a cís woman, if I'm trans because I'm strong (especially after posting this photo). This was always the end game for transphobes, to define a dated and oppressive definition of womanhood."
(Egyptian climber Dr Heidy Khlaaf)
#patriarchy #misogyny #feminism #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queer #nonbinary
Pentsamendua iraultzen duen irakurketa
5 stars
Hemen pentsamendua iraultzen duen liburu bat, borrokalari #trans|generoen historia materialista, ezagutu beharrekoa. Mila esker Katakrak liburu hau euskaraz gure eskuetara ekartzeagatik. Ordainetan Wikipedian euskarazko artikulua egin dut: eu.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borrokalari_transgeneroak