La sociedad del cansancio

2018ko abe. 16a(e)an Herder(e)n argitaratua.

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2 izar (berrikuspen 1)

4 edizio

(e)k Byung-Chul Han(r)en Müdigkeitsgesellschaft liburuaren kritika egin du

Good introduction to general philosophy, unfortunately deep as a puddle

2 izar

His book is one of the most accessible and least useful in my collection. While it regurgitates a number of points of other philosophers, the amount of new material to think about is very limited. Even more so if one has already read some of the referenced works. On the pages that are 80% quotes interspersed with the occasional sentence by the actual author, one can't help but wonder: Are they redefining the conditions they are referring to or have they simply never experienced it? While I hope that Han never had to endure it, it raises questions about the applicability of his writing. Equating autism with being self-centered in only one of the things in this book that made me shake my head. Towards the end, my margin-notes also get increasingly sparse, as it seems the author tried themselves in an exercise of writing many words while saying very …