digital audiobook

2020ko abu. 4a(e)an Recorded Books, Inc.(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

4 izar (3 berrikuspen)

19 hours 50 minutes, Unabridged

6 edizio

Harrow the Ninth – Review

5 izar

This series does not give up its secrets easily. It holds them closely and tightly like a squirrel with its nuts. I was left at the end of the last book with a lot of questions, and really pressing plot developments that I needed answers to, and “Harrow the Ninth“ wasn’t going to give them to me lightly. The book does its best from the get-go to upend your sense of reality, attacking your memories of what exactly happened in the first book. It does this both in story content - it directly contradicts events as you remember them from book one - but also in the narration. style. I can’t say that I have ever read another book that spends this much time in the second person. It took me quite a while to get used to it, as I typically despise second person, but once I did it …

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