
the Man Who Pays the Rent

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Judi Dench, Brendan O'Hea: Shakespeare (2024, St. Martin's Press)

English hizkuntza

2024ko eka. 29a(e)an St. Martin's Press(e)n argitaratua.

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3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

4 edizio

(e)k Judi Dench(r)en Shakespeare liburuaren kritika egin du

Nice in spots, but not as good as I had hoped

3 izar

This is really only good for someone who is a huge Judi Dench fan and who also knows a lot about Shakespeare plays. Apparently it started as a series of conversations with Ms. Dench, and then was turned into a book. It was probably better as a series of informal chats. There isn't any real arc or over-all idea to the book. Just a bunch of vignettes.