Hothouse New Classics of the Fantastic

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Brian W. Aldiss, Brian Aldiss: Hothouse New Classics of the Fantastic (2009, IDW Publishing)

2009ko abu. 29a(e)an IDW Publishing(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (berrikuspen 1)


Under a dying sun, monstrous sentient plants and carnivorous insects are the predators. Man is the prey...

10 edizio

(e)k Brian W. Aldiss(r)en Hothouse liburuaren kritika egin du


4 izar

I enjoyed the first half of this book more than the second. It began life as a short story, which led to a serial of further short stories, which eventually led to the book. The beginning is clearly a science fiction author in awe of the sheer scale of the world he has imagined, and it is breathtaking. As the story progresses, it feels like Aldiss is trying more and more to write a Proper Book with Characters and Plot, and the wonder of the mad flora world is the worse for it.