Like Home

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Like Home (2021, Random House Children's Books)

320 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2021ko abu. 17a(e)an Random House Children's Books(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

3 edizio

Casual Fun with a Side of Serious

5 izar

A fun & warming tale about friendship & community. This read gave us so much more than a simple coming-of-age story: Nelo grapples with gentrification in her hometown, she stumbles to solve a mystery, navigates messy friendship dynamics, gets swooped up in heavy media, and more. The narrative is written with a casual and engaging appeal but the underlying message is powerful - I loved how warm and fuzzy this book made me feel even as it unpacked hard topics such as police brutality and gentrification.