Romeo and Juliet


Azalik ez

William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (2021, Independently Published)

English hizkuntza

2021ko ots. 21a(e)an Independently Published(e)n argitaratua.

ISBN-a kopiatu!

OpenLibraryn ikusi

5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

General Editor Richard Adams • Complete and unexpurgated Shakespeare texts • Extensive notes and questions opposite the text for a structured approach to study • Suggestions for examination preparation and classroom activities • Personal essays, editorial material and illustrations focus on the play as theatre • Written by specialist editors, all experienced teachers or examiners ROMEO AND JULIET WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Edited by Paul Cheetham English Department, Lord Williams's School, Thame With a personal essay by Irving Wardle Theatre Critic of The Times

50 edizio


  • Drama
  • Plays