Blood in the Machine

The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech

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Brian Merchant: Blood in the Machine (2022, Little Brown & Company)

English hizkuntza

2022ko ira. 13a(e)an Little Brown & Company(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (3 berrikuspen)

4 edizio

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5 izar

Book review: Blood in the Machine, by Brian Merchant.

Chant no more your old rhymes about bold Robin Hood, His feats I but little admire. I will sing the achievements of General Ludd, Now the hero of Nottinghamshire.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a rare book which felt like it opened my eyes to something new; almost life-changing in some sense with the shift in perspective. The story of the Luddites and their fight to protect their way of life.

Nowadays of course, we think of a Luddite as a backwards, anti-technology person. Indeed, we use the word as an insult, to describe somebody who doesn't keep up with the times. But this is an excellent example of 'history written by the victors'.

The Luddites had a good, fulfilling way of life - they worked to their own schedule, they spent time with their families. They had a …