Sleeper and the Spindle

Winner of the Cilip Kate Greenaway Medal 2016

Azalik ez

Chris Riddell, Neil Gaiman: Sleeper and the Spindle (2015, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)

English hizkuntza

2015ko abe. 18a(e)an Bloomsbury Publishing Plc(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

On the eve of her wedding, a young queen sets out to rescue a princess from an enchantment. She casts aside her fine wedding clothes, takes her chain mail and her sword and follows her brave dwarf retainers into the tunnels under the mountain towards the sleeping kingdom.

7 edizio


  • Children's fiction
  • Sleeping beauty (fictitious character), fiction
  • Princesses, fiction
  • Fairy tales
  • Fantasy fiction