The Siren of Sussex

Azal biguna, 432 orrialde

2022ko urt. 11a(e)an Berkley(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

2 edizio

(e)k Mimi Matthews(r)en The Siren of Sussex liburuaren kritika egin du

Review of 'The Siren of Sussex' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

Not a typical romance novel! I don't know if this is something common to Mimi Matthews's books, but I appreciated that there's a level of physicality/eroticism without following the traditional romance beats.

Evelyn Maltravers is the plainer younger sister of a young woman who came to ruin, so it's her duty to save the family fortunes and reputations by marrying well - her plan is to make a splash by riding her fabulous stallion in Hyde Park while wearing amazing tailored riding habits in the style of the Pretty Horsebreakers, notorious courtesans who ride on Rotten Row. She visits their tailor, Ahmad Malik, who immediately sees her potential (taking off her glasses, wearing clothes that fit, etc.) and begins to work for her. He's also trying to start his own couture house, and she becomes his emissary and his muse. They fall in love and overcome obstacles to be together. …