Out of the Blue

Azalik ez

Jason June: Out of the Blue (2022, HarperCollins Publishers)

English hizkuntza

2022ko mar. 24a(e)an HarperCollins Publishers(e)n argitaratua.

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3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

3 edizio

(e)k Jason June(r)en Out of the Blue liburuaren kritika egin du

Review of 'Out of the Blue' on 'Goodreads'

3 izar

Hey, don’t judge me. I like a fun low stakes YA summer fun novel just as much as the next guy. And like! It IS fun. This made for a fun morning, a month-long fling between some guy and a nonbinary merperson.

There are some quotes here that got my eyebrows up. Probably the most egregious offense was a moment where a character blows up at another for ‘not listening’ when said character never bothered to communicate in the first place.

But like. It’s cheesy. It’s silly. The mer culture is butter on bread surface level. But that’s the fun of it. I had fun!