Parable of the Talents

Azal biguna, 365 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2001ko uzt. 1a(e)an Women's Press Ltd,The(e)n argitaratua.

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Baloraziorik ez (0 berrikuspen)

Environmental devastation and economic chaos have turned America into a land of depravity. Taking advantage of the situation, a zealous bigot wins his way into the White House. Lauren Olamina leads a new faith group directly opposed to the new government. This is the story of the group's struggle to preserve its vision.

As the government turns a blind eye to the violent bigots who consider a black female leader a threat, Lauren Olamina must either sacrifice her child and her followers or forsake her religion. The plot contains profanity, sexual situations and violence,

15 edizio


  • Modern fiction
  • Science Fiction