Parable of the Sower: A Novel

Azal gogorra, 336 orrialde

2017ko ots. 28a(e)an Seven Stories Press(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (2 berrikuspen)

In 2025, with the world descending into madness and anarchy, one woman begins a fateful journey toward a better future.

Lauren Olamina and her family live in one of the only safe neighborhoods remaining on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Behind the walls of their defended enclave, Lauren’s father, a preacher, and a handful of other citizens try to salvage what remains of a culture that has been destroyed by drugs, disease, war, and chronic water shortages. While her father tries to lead people on the righteous path, Lauren struggles with hyperempathy, a condition that makes her extraordinarily sensitive to the pain of others.

When fire destroys their compound, Lauren’s family is killed and she is forced out into a world that is fraught with danger. With a handful of other refugees, Lauren must make her way north to safety, along the way conceiving a revolutionary idea that may mean …

14 edizio

Review of 'La parábola del sembrador' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

Bost izar gitxi iruditen jataz!
Benetan. Zelako ikusmena emakume idazle honena! Gaur egun ditugun arazoak 1993an aurreikusi zituen oso argi.
Baten batek esan dezake enpresen hiriak ez direla existitzen, baina zer dira ba FB TW WA IG eta holakoak?
Bigarrena irakurtzeko tartetxo bat utzi behar dut.

(e)k Octavia E. Butler(r)en La parábola del sembrador liburuaren kritika egin du

Review of 'La parábola del sembrador' on 'Goodreads'

3 izar

Me deja un poco frío la idea de religión como sustituto del resto de las instituciones sociales en un tiempo apocalíptico, y no acabo de ver qué papel juega la hiperempatía en todo esto, si es mero atrezzo o un elemento verdaderamene importante. Lo veremos en el volumen dos.

Desde luego es un terreno de juego completamente diferente del de Xenogénesis.