I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

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Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (2011, Pearson Education Australia)

English hizkuntza

2011ko aza. 7a(e)an Pearson Education Australia(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

She was born Marguerite, but her brother Bailey nicknamed her Maya ("mine"). As little children they were sent to live with their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Their early world revolved around this remarkable woman and the Store she ran for the black community. White people were more than strangers - they were from another planet. And yet, even unseen they ruled.

The Store was a microcosm of life: its orderly pattern was a comfort, even among the meanest frustrations. But then came the intruders - first in the form of taunting poorwhite children who were bested only by the grandmother's dignity. But as the awful, unfathomable mystery of prejudice intruded, so did the unexpected joy of a surprise visit by Daddy, the sinful joy of going to Church, the disappointments of a Depression Christmas.

A visit to St. Louis and the Most Beautiful Mother in the World ended in tragedy …

36 edizio

autobiografia forte e fundamental.

5 izar

"Era horrível ser negra e não ter controle sobre a minha vida. Era brutal ser jovem e já estar treinada para ficar sentada em silêncio ouvindo as acusações feitas contra a minha cor sem chance de defesa."

a obra traz uma visão nítida das relações raciais no período entreguerras e ensina como a voz pode transformar um mundo injusto.


  • African american authors
  • African american families
  • Authors, biography
  • Arkansas, social life and customs
  • Angelou, maya, 1928-2014
  • African american women
  • African americans, biography