Virgin in the Ice (Brother Cadfael Mysteries)

Brother Cadfael (6)

208 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1995ko mai. 1a(e)an Mysterious Press(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

Cadfael attends to a brother beaten and left for dead, and searches for missing siblings and their nun escort. In the meantime, a band of marauders pillages the countryside.

19 edizio

Terrific Cadfael

4 izar

I had read I think the first two Cadfael books a while ago, and read this on the suggestion that it was properly Christmas-y. If you would like to read about a gruff old monk who solves mysteries while gently guiding young lovers together, well, good news, it does what it says on the ton, and includes the occasional paragraph about faith or friendship that absolutely stops you in your tracks with beauty and insight.