Gilles Deleuze

An Introduction

Azalik ez

Gilles Deleuze (2012, Cambridge University Press)

English hizkuntza

2012ko uzt. 18a(e)an Cambridge University Press(e)n argitaratua.


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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

4 edizio

(e)k Todd May(r)en Gilles Deleuze kritika egin du

A "must-read" introduction

5 izar

Perhaps scholars of Deleuze would disagree, but as someone trying to get an understanding of the landscape of Deleuze's admittedly challenging philosophical thinking, I think May's book is a remarkably salient and clear introduction. I've returned to it a few times over the years, having gotten so interested in Deleuze's ideas that I've wondered off to read other related things. Finally finished it this February and really appreciated it from start to finish.