Red Team Blues

, #1

224 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2023ko ots. 8a(e)an Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (5 berrikuspen)

Martin Hench is 67 years old, single, and successful in a career stretching back to the beginnings of Silicon Valley. He lives and roams California in a very comfortable fully-furnished touring bus, The Unsalted Hash, that he bought years ago from a fading rock star. He knows his way around good food and fine drink. He likes intelligent women, and they like him back often enough.

Martin is a―contain your excitement―self-employed forensic accountant, a veteran of the long guerilla war between people who want to hide money, and people who want to find it. He knows computer hardware and software alike, including the ins and outs of high-end databases and the kinds of spreadsheets that are designed to conceal rather than reveal. He’s as comfortable with social media as people a quarter his age, and he’s a world-level expert on the kind of international money-laundering and shell-company chicanery used by …

6 edizio

(e)k Cory Doctorow(r)en Red Team Blues liburuaren kritika egin du (Martin Hench, #1)

Para nerds

4 izar

La novela no pasa el test de Bechdel porque va de un señor mayor en su súper autocaravana haciendo de detective friki. Muchas referencias tecnológicas de todo tipo que creo que sólo harán gracia a los que estamos en el sector y eso sin entrar en la parte sobre criptomonedas.

Si lees el blog del autor la novela entera son referencias a sus temas favoritos.

(e)k Cory Doctorow(r)en Red Team Blues liburuaren kritika egin du (Martin Hench, #1)

Enjoyable Silicon Valley thriller

4 izar

I haven't read everything by Doctorow, but have been reading him long enough to see what I think is an interesting progression in his writing. His work in the last few years (from the exceptional "Walkaway", to the superb novella collection "Radicalized"), has seemed increasingly readable and smooth. I think it's probably no coincidence that the stories seem to be getting a little shorter too (mostly, "Walkaway" has a certain heft).

His latest, "Red Team Blues", is a financial tech thriller set in Silicon Valley, in which an itinerant, grizzled forensic accountant, Marty Hench, is drawn into a hunt for crucial McGuffin, one that threatens the foundations of a cryptocurrency network.

Hench as a character is a nice clash of genres. On the one hand, he's a like a gritty noir detective - a loner, connected but never settled (literally, he lives on a tour bus), no time or patience …

(e)k Cory Doctorow(r)en Red Team Blues liburuaren kritika egin du (Martin Hench, #1)

Outstanding, just read it already

5 izar

Unbelievably good and probably will end up as my 'book of the year'. There was a lot of anticipation around this with Doctorow's own editor calling it a 'barn burner' on reading the first draft. I can safely say that the all the hype was fully lived up to. This .... soared. On the face of it, a tale of an accountant in his late 60's getting up to shenanigans in Silicon Valley is not really a premise that sounds like it will work. It so, did. A lot of ground was covered in this novel, it had a breathless tone at times when it was jumping from one thing to the next. Skewering cryptobro culture, examining homelessness in one of the richest cities in the world, dealing with morality and considerations of trust. Look, if you like a good thriller. Read this. If you want some insight into some …

(e)k Cory Doctorow(r)en Red Team Blues liburuaren kritika egin du (Martin Hench, #1)

Now I’ve got the “book finished blues”

5 izar

Absolutely phenomenal. Could not put it down, devoured in a whirlwind, and entirely-too-impatient for the rest of the series. Compelling storytelling, memorable characters, and a gripping plot.

If you only read one book this year and it isn’t Red Team Blues, you should really make it two.

(e)k Cory Doctorow(r)en Red Team Blues liburuaren kritika egin du (Martin Hench, #1)

Well worth your time!

5 izar

I finished @pluralistic’s #RedTeamBlues this evening, and I would highly - highly - recommend it! It’s a short read, just a tad over 200 pages but it’s quite engrossing. I probably could have finished it last night, but I forced myself to sleep instead.

I really like Doctorow’s writing style, and I always learn some new words (and not just technological ones) when I read his books. One of my favorite hallmarks of his fiction is the use of what I would term “non-standard” protagonists - in this case a 67-year-old confirmed bachelor facing retirement. Definitely not someone I would have expected to be enmeshed with a cast of Very Ruthless People ™️ and crypto-bros. That alone makes the stories so much more relatable and entertaining to me and easier to identify with. And as always, the more technical elements of the plot are thoroughly well-researched and expertly woven together …