Nomadic furniture

D-I-Y projects that are lightweight and light on the environment

Azalik ez

Nomadic furniture (2008, Schiffer Pub.)

146 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2008ko urt. 13a(e)an Schiffer Pub.(e)n argitaratua.

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2 izar (berrikuspen 1)

10 edizio

Nomadic Furniture

2 izar

Quite mixed feelings about this book. I want very much to like it, but I think it's severely limited by its conception of "nomadism" as moving between apartments every few years.

I get the feeling that this book may have been a victim of its success — many of the designs feel like DIY IKEA furniture, which I'm sure was novel in 1973, more than a decade before IKEA reached the USA. Today, though, it just feels somewhat depressing.

A lot of the book also relies on building furniture from materials that are widely and cheaply available, the idea being that they can be discarded upon moving, and recreated at a destination. Again, this is compatible with a definition of "nomadism" that emphasizes staying put for enough time to scrounge up the cardboard, polyurethane, etc that's needed to put together this furniture. Which is fine, I guess (if a little …


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