
First Edition, 310 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1987ko urt. 1a(e)an Viking(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (3 berrikuspen)

Stephen King is arguably the most popular novelist in the history of American fiction. He owes his fans a love letter. Misery is it.

Paul Sheldon, author of a bestselling series of historical romances, wakes up one winter day in a strange place, a secluded farmhouse in Colorado. He wakes up to unspeakable pain (a dislocated pelvis, a crushed knee, two shattered legs) and to a bizarre greeting from the woman who has saved his life: "I'm your number one fan!"

Annie Wilkes is a huge ex-nurse, handy with controlled substances and other instruments of abuse, including an axe and a blowtorch. A dangerous psychotic with a Romper Room sense of good and bad, fair and unfair, Annie Wilkes may be Stephen King's most terrifying creation. It's not fair, for example, that her favorite character in the world, Misery Chastain, has been killed by her creator, as Annie discovers when …

54 edizio

(e)k Stephen King(r)en Misery liburuaren kritika egin du

поистине пугающая книга

5 izar

в отличие от других книг Кинга, которые я читала, Misery ощущается реальной. это может случиться в нашем мире, и это пугает

некоторые сцены напомнили мне детство с бабушкой :с
а это чувство, что Пол никогда не выберется из дома Анни — последнюю госпитализацию в психушку

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4 izar


  • Novelists--Fiction.
  • Fans (Persons)--Fiction.