440 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1992ko abu. 13a(e)an Bantam Books(e)n argitaratua.

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Within the Metaverse, Hiro is offered a datafile named Snow Crash by a man named Raven who hints that it is a form of narcotic. Hiro's friend and fellow hacker Da5id views a bitmap image contained in the file which causes his computer to crash and Da5id to suffer brain damage in the real world.

This is the future we now live where all can be brought to life in the metaverse and now all can be taken away. Follow on an adventure with Hiro and YT as they work with the mob to uncover a plot of biblical proportions.

24 edizio

(e)k Neal Stephenson(r)en Snow crash liburuaren kritika egin du (Spectra)

Original, gamberra y divertida

3 izar

Es una novela cyberpunk original, gamberra y algo divertida. La podía visualizar como una peli de risa sin muchas pretensiones, pero debido a su originalidad y ambientación únicas se podría convertir en un hito. Me recordó en algunas partes chorras a Kung Fury. Creo que el autor era un frikazo de la programación pero bastante visionario con el futuro de internet.

(e)k Neal Stephenson(r)en Snow Crash liburuaren kritika egin du

Review of 'Snow Crash' on 'Storygraph'

2 izar

Wrote a whole long review about why I didn't like it, but got bored of my own opinion.

In short:

While clever, the linguistic virus, Sumerian, and religion lessons were long and dull
Characters unbelievable, and didn't really invest in them.
Sex with a minor scene - didn't want that

Did like:
the world
the technology
the prologue bit about pizza delivery. Loved that world building, really great opening! Then the main story wrecked it (for me).

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