Sharpe's Company

In Which Captain Rechard Sharpe Has to Lead the Attack on the Terrible Fortress

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Sharpe's Company (2012, HarperCollins Publishers Limited)

336 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2012ko mai. 11a(e)an HarperCollins Publishers Limited(e)n argitaratua.


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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

Bold, professional, ruthless - hero and man of actionThe Complete Sharpe Collection with a new introduction by the authorIt was a hard winter. For Richard Sharpe it was the worst he could remember. He had lost his command to a wealthy man – a man with money to buy the promotion Sharpe coveted. And from England came his oldest enemy – the ruthless, indestructible Hakeswill – utterly intent on ruining Sharpe.But Sharpe is determined to change his luck. And the surest way is to lead the bloody attack on the impregnable fortress town of Badajoz, a road to almost certain death – or unimagined glory...

20 edizio


  • Fiction, war & military
  • Sharpe, richard (fictitious character), fiction
  • Spain, fiction