Small Gods (Discworld, #13)

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Terry Pratchett: Small Gods (Discworld, #13) (2016)

304 orrialde

2016ko mai. 13a(e)an argitaratua

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5 izar (2 berrikuspen)

Small Gods is the thirteenth of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, published in 1992. It tells the origin of the god Om, and his relations with his prophet, the reformer Brutha. In the process, it satirises religious institutions, people, and practices, and the role of religion in political life.

24 edizio

(e)k Terry Pratchett(r)en Small Gods (Discworld Novel S.) liburuaren kritika egin du (Discworld, Book 13)

Small Gods: A masterful comic satire on Religious Institutions and Fundamentalism

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Small Gods: A masterful comic satire on Religious Institutions and Fundamentalism Small Gods is a fantasy comic satire on religious institutions, religious fundamentalism, philosophy, and the weaponisation of religious fanaticism for political power set in the Discworld. It explores how religious beliefs and faith shift and change over time, from being centred on the deity to being centred on the religious institution itself. Rereading this was an absolute joy!

This is the story of how Brutha becomes the eighth prophet of the god Om. Omnia is a monotheistic theocracy based on the Seven Books of the Prophets of Om, or the Septateuch. Omnia was a place where: "No matter what your skills, there was a place for you in the Citadel. And if your skill lay in asking the wrong kinds of questions or losing the righteous kind of wars, the place might just be the furnaces of purity, or …