The Deluge

English hizkuntza

2023ko urt. 5a(e)an Simon & Schuster(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

5 izar (2 berrikuspen)

3 edizio

Dark, Disturbing, Brilliant

5 izar

The topic here is climate change and how different groups of people respond to the challenge, the threat, the opportunity — depending on their points of view. The author starts about 10 years in the past and then slowly moves forward about 20 years into the future, following various characters over a long arc.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover how honest the novel is, how it doesn't flinch from depicting the greed and corruption all around us, or from portraying the ugly results of climate breakdown and societal fracturing.

Truly a great book, highly recommended, though I'll warn it's not an easy read. It sometimes takes effort to keep up with everything that's happening, and it's often very sad, even disturbing. But I believe this is the most accurate projection of where we're probably going that I have ever read.

My only disappointment is that the conclusion, the final …