The Amityville horror

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The Amityville horror (1979, G. K. Hall)

378 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1979ko abe. 7a(e)an G. K. Hall(e)n argitaratua.


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3 izar (2 berrikuspen)

On December 18, 1975, a young family of five moved into their new home, complete with finished basement, swimming pool, and a boathouse. Twenty-eight days later, they fled in terror, leaving most of their belongings behind.

The fantastic story of their experiences was widely publicized on network television, newspapers, and national magazines. But the Lutz family never disclosed the full details to the media. Now their own carefully-reconstructed memories--and independent interviews with local clergy and police--reveal their entire harrowing story.

George and Kathleen Lutz were aware that the house of a mass murder--Ronald DeFeo, 23, was convicted of shooting his parents, brothers, and sisters. But it seemed an ideal home for them and their three children, and the price was right. ON the day they moved in, a priest invited to bless the house was told by an unseen voice to "Get Out!" At his rectory, he began to suffer …

12 edizio


  • Large type books
  • Parapsychology
  • Demonology
  • Biography
  • Case studies


  • Amityville
  • New York (State)
  • Amityville (N.Y.)