
A Memoir

Azal biguna

2010ko mai. 16a(e)an Allen & Unwin(e)n argitaratua.

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3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

4 edizio

(e)k Christopher Hitchens(r)en Hitch-22 liburuaren kritika egin du

Another Side of the Hitch

3 izar

There are so many quotes from this book that I would love to present to you now but I think it's probably best you just read it. I feel that, in the modern era, Hitchens is predominantly known for his views on religion and his debates on the same topic. That is one of the many reasons I loved this book, it provided a completely different side to Hitchens whilst also explaining the context behind his religious viewpoints. Despite occasionally skipping over details that I think would have been rather fascinating and lingering on details that seem unimportant, this book is a rather good memoir.