War Master's Gate

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Adrian Tchaikovsky: War Master's Gate (2013, Pan Macmillan)

paperback, 736 orrialde

2013ko abu. 1a(e)an Pan Macmillan(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

3 edizio

(e)k Adrian Tchaikovsky(r)en War Master's Gate liburuaren kritika egin du (Shadows of the Apt, #9)

Series still going strong

4 izar

This was a long book, I have to say the first half dragged a little. It's a plot-heavy book, with high stakes, several characters die because of the war. There were some powerful scenes related to war decisions that seemed uncomfortably to reality. I was more interested in what was going on in the forest with Che and Seda, the major mystery of this whole series. It ends in a cliffhanger to the last book of the series.