The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein

Azal biguna, 416 orrialde

2009ko mai. 4a(e)an Vintage Books(e)n argitaratua.


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3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

When two nineteenth-century Oxford students--Victor Frankenstein, a serious researcher, and the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley--form an unlikely friendship, the result is a tour de force that could only come from one of the world's most accomplished and prolific authors. This haunting and atmospheric novel opens with a heated discussion, as Shelley challenges the conventionally religious Frankenstein to consider his atheistic notions of creation and life. Afterward, these concepts become an obsession for the young scientist. As Victor begins conducting anatomical experiments to reanimate the dead, he at first uses corpses supplied by the coroner. But these specimens prove imperfect for Victor's purposes. Moving his makeshift laboratory to a deserted pottery factory in Limehouse, he makes contact with the Doomsday men--the resurrectionists--whose grisly methods put Frankenstein in great danger as he works feverishly to bring life to the terrifying creature that will bear his name for eternity. Filled with literary lights …

5 edizio

Gets much better in the second half

3 izar

The first half was a bit of a slog, probably in part because it's a first-person narrative, with a narrator who's pretty unlikable. I was all set to give up on it, asking myself why I keep reading retellings of older stories. It picks up a lot in the second half, though, and the ending is IMHO a clever twist.


  • Literature & Fiction