Value of a Whale

On the Illusions of Green Capitalism

Azalik ez

Value of a Whale (2022, Manchester University Press)

English hizkuntza

2022ko urr. 5a(e)an Manchester University Press(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

2 edizio

Comprehensive and compelling

5 izar

Buller's book takes the idea of assigning a monetary value to a whale ($2m, apparently) as a jumping-off point to consider how the promise of green capitalism -- that if we just eliminate externalities and assign monetary values to the natural world, everything will be fine -- goes horribly wrong. She carefully demolishes the promise of carbon taxes and carbon offsets, though much of the book goes on to discuss how the greening of asset manager capitalism, especially that espoused by the CEO of Blackrock, doesn't and can never work. The latter part of the book pivots from discussing carbon as the principal problem, to covering the loss of biodiversity and the supposed attempts to prevent this through, you guessed it, markets in conservation credits. Among the many, many great takeaways from the book are the insight that attempting to deal with the environment through markets inevitably means compressing all …