How to Do Nothing

Resisting the Attention Economy

2019ko mai. 21a(e)an argitaratua

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4 izar (4 berrikuspen)

3 edizio

(e)k Jenny Odell(r)en How to Do Nothing liburuaren kritika egin du

Not about doing nothing?

2 izar

The main thesis is against consumerism, optimization, productivity and utility. Intentionally or not, my experience of the book embodied those principles: most of the times I was lost in thought or had already forgotten what the original argumentative line was; I was strolling around an unkept park of ideas. I wasn't expecting so much of the book to focus o the praise of specific artists, the blessings of bird watching, and Oakland.

A lot of the commentary is written like in-the-weeds literary criticism, which I think is a bit unapproachable for people not used to speaking in highly abstract concepts and so many analogies, metaphors and metonymies. Not a book for me, I guess maybe because I need some prior "manifest dismantling" of my ideals on how books ought to be written.

(e)k Jenny Odell(r)en How to Do Nothing liburuaren kritika egin du

Doing Nothing is a Lot of Work

4 izar

A fantastic work of cultural critique with some deep ecology thrown in to fill the void where apps used to be. It gets a little unfocused near the end, but the fist 75% is so good. It provides an excellent overview on generative refusal, amateur ecology, and community connectedness presented from the point of view of a tech enthusiast turned bird-watcher.


  • attention