Mountain in the Sea

A Novel

English hizkuntza

2022ko aza. 12a(e)an Farrar, Straus & Giroux(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (4 berrikuspen)

6 edizio

Thoughtful hard sci-fi

5 izar

This is a thoughtful work of sci-fi with the relationship between humans and their environment as a central theme. With a mystery at its center (or perhaps two or three mysteries, depending how you count), it was an exciting read, and also a moving and thought-provoking one, touching on themes what it means to be conscious, to communicate with other beings, to connect, to be a part / apart.

This was much "harder" on the science than most of what I've been reading recently, and certainly harder than the most of the recent Hugo and Nebula nominees and awards. I'm surprised I haven't seen more buzz about this book.

(e)k Vajra Chandrasekera(r)en The Mountain in the Sea liburuaren kritika egin du

Asks many interesting questions, has the sense not to try to give pat answers

5 izar

So much to love about this book, how it weaves together unanswerable questions about consciousness and computation, together with a much more didactic message about humans' consumptive relationships with, well, everything including each other, and enough of a mystery story to keep the plot moving along. Also some great evocations of places (ahhh, multiple key scenes on Istanbul ferries), and of the ways peoples' reputations misrepresent their selves.

It's not a strongly character driven book - every character that is fleshed out seems to be a variant of "loner who wishes for connection" and largely a vehicle for the author's ideas - but there's enough depth to the characters to keep me reading. My one real criticism is that the ending felt a bit rushed. Not in the sort of too convenient, story-undermining way, but not quite satisfying either. It doesn't feel like a set up for a sequel, but …

(e)k Ray Nayler(r)en The Mountain in the Sea liburuaren kritika egin du

Thematically driven

3 izar

This is less about the characters or the plot, and more about the philosophies and science. My favorite parts were actually the fictional book excerpts between chapters, and I may need to read the books he acknowledges as helping him shape the ideas presented in the book. This strikes me as a political thriller (without the thrill part) focused on connection, communication, and choice. Which, I suppose is a way of saying the book is about consciousness. Despite how dry that might sound, I actually enjoyed the book. I finished it fairly quickly; it reads smoothly and compellingly despite (or maybe because of?) the too-even tone, in my opinion. Pacing occasionally felt bogged down by setting, and there were some spots where the dialogues were clearly an info dump vehicle, but I found the info interesting so I didn't mind too much. The plot resolution was sudden and felt abrupt, …

The Mountain in the Sea

3 izar

Another one I'm not sure what to say about, but this time for negative reasons. The premise is amazing, and I adore every scene with the octopuses themselves. But pretty much nothing else-plot, characters, dialogue, writing style-worked for me. However, it's a debut novel so perhaps the next one will be better.