Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Azalik ez

Jamie Ford: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (2013,, Limited)

446 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2013ko abe. 8a(e)an, Limited(e)n argitaratua.

ISBN-a kopiatu!

OpenLibraryn ikusi

3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

13 edizio

(e)k Jamie Ford(r)en Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet liburuaren kritika egin du

An important perspective + love and loss

3 izar

Love and loss. A clash of cultures. History and warfare. Generational turmoil. This is a thoughtful and sometime emotional read that really touched some open wounds in my life right now. The story is strong for 3/4 of the book, then weakens a bit towards the end, but I really enjoyed it.


  • Japanese americans, fiction
  • Widowers, fiction
  • Seattle (wash.), fiction
  • Fathers and sons, fiction
  • Fiction, historical, general
  • Large type books
  • Chinese americans, fiction