Alex Haley

Autorearen xehetasunak

1921ko abu. 11a
1992ko ots. 10a

Kanpoko estekak

American writer and author of the popular 1970s book Roots which was adapted into a record setting TV mini-series.

"The giving and getting, the sense of belonging and contributing to something larger than yourself, to something that began before you were born and will go on after you die, can make it possible for you to accept life in a way that makes you wish the whole world could realize how easy it is to feel as you do, and wonder why they don’t. That’s what having roots—and writing Roots—has done for me. I pray that reading it—and then reaching out for their families to join in a search of their own—will do the same for everyone." ~ Alex Haley (A Candid Conversation With Murray Fisher, January 1977)

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