136 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1987ko uzt. 15a(e)an Heinemann Educational(e)n argitaratua.

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"Two small boys stand on a rubbish heap and look into the future. One boy is excited, he is beginning school; the other, his brother, is an apprentice carpetner. Together, they will serve their country--the teacher and the craftsman. But this is Kenya and times are against them. In the forests, the Mau Mau are waging war against the white government, and two brothers, Njoroge and Kamau, and the rest of their family, need to decide where their loyalties lie. For the practical man, the choice is simple, but for Njoroge, the scholar, the dream of progress through learning is a hard one to give up"--back cover.

14 edizio


  • Brothers -- Kenya -- Fiction
  • Boys -- Kenya -- Fiction
  • Kenya -- Politics and government -- 1963-1978 -- Fiction