Azalik ez

Rachel Carson: Primavera silenciosa (Spanish language, 1980, Grijalbo)

344 orrialde

Spanish hizkuntza

1980ko aza. 20a(e)an Grijalbo(e)n argitaratua.

ISBN-a kopiatu!

OpenLibraryn ikusi

Baloraziorik ez (0 berrikuspen)

This account of the effects of pesticides on the environment launched the environmental movement in America.

26 edizio


  • Pesticides -- Toxicology.
  • Wildlife conservation.
  • Pesticides -- Environmental aspects.
  • Insect pests -- Biological control.
  • Pesticides and wildlife.
  • Pesticidas -- Toxicología.
  • Fauna silvestre -- Conservación.
  • Pesticidas -- Aspectos ambientales.
  • Insectos nocivos -- Control biológico.
  • Pesticidas y fauna silvestre.