Life, the Universe and Everything

SF Masterworks

Azal biguna, 175 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2017ko ira. 13a(e)an GOLLANCZ(e)n argitaratua.

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Only five individuals stand between the killer robots of Krikkit and their goal of the total annihilation of the universe: Arthur Dent, homeless Englishman, currently marooned in the deep past; Ford Prefect, temporarily insane to see if he likes it, also marooned; Slartibartfast, once of Magrathea; Zaphod Beeblebrox, ex-confidence trickster and part- time galactic president; and Trillian, mathematician and astrophysicist, last seen fleeing the Ruler of the Universe. In other words: we're doomed. --back cover

24 edizio