Parable of the Sower

320 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2019ko aza. 7a(e)an argitaratua

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4 izar (6 berrikuspen)

"We are coming apart. We're a rope, breaking, a single strand at a time.

America is a place of chaos, where violence rules and only the rich and powerful are safe. Lauren Olamina, a young woman with the extraordinary power to feel the pain of others as her own, records everything she sees of this broken world in her journal.

Then, one terrible night, everything alters beyond recognition, and Lauren must make her voice heard for the sake of those she loves.

Soon, her vision becomes reality and her dreams of a better way to live gain the power to change humanity forever.

"All that you touch, You Change. All that you Change, Changes you."

7 edizio

(e)k Octavia E. Butler(r)en Parable Of The Sower liburuaren kritika egin du

Can't believe this was written in 1993

4 izar

Great vision of where we could easily find ourselves in the year 2024. Though things haven't (yet) turned out as bad as envisioned in the book, it definitely hits close to home. Was nice to read a pre-post apocalyptic (what to you call it when the apocalypse is ongoing?? Just apocalyptic?) novel that didn't have zombies everywhere. I enjoyed the elements of religion and thinking about how one would start a new religion that wasn't as laden with hundreds of years of doctrine and dogma as what we have now.

(e)k Octavia E. Butler(r)en Parable Of The Sower liburuaren kritika egin du

This felt like it was published last year

4 izar

Which feels like a cheesy thing to say in a review about dystopian fiction, but I genuinely didn't realize this book was published in the year 1993 until I read Butler's biography at the back and realized she passed away in 2006. It feels... pertinent

Others have said this is a pretty grim novel. I agree. It hurt to read, quite often. I feel like I've mostly moved out of my dystopian fiction era but this one hooked me a lot harder than most I've read. I haven't finished a book this quickly in quite a while.

I think Parable of the Sower has a lot to say about eco-fatalism, as well as the many "fatalisms" of neoliberalism in general, which it delivers on very well. I also felt like it would have a lot to say about the value of religion, divorced from the way people in my life …

Baloraziorik ez

Cuando estaba más joven la ficción y la ciencia ficción eran espacios que me hacían sentido para conectar con la imaginación y con la posibilidad de pensar y sentir la vida fuera de límites que percibía en mis presentes.

Como estos ámbitos de la literatura no resonaban tanto en algunas de mis redes cercanas, me alejé un poquito de éstos por algunos años y me metí a libros más teóricos y "serios". Pero desde que empecé a leer a Octavia Butler volví a interesarme por textos de (ciencia) ficción.

Octavia reflexionó sobre la ausencia/invisibilización de mujeres negras en un contexto donde predominaba una ciencia ficción de escritores hombres y blancos. También propuso escenarios que abordaran los pasados-presentes-futuros y que estimularan la imaginación y la creatividad como posibilidades ante las crisis que seguimos viviendo.

En Parable of the sower, Octavia tejió temas como: sensibilidad hacia otrxs seres; críticas al capitalismo, a …

(e)k Octavia E. Butler(r)en Parable Of The Sower liburuaren kritika egin du

Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Goodreads'

3 izar

On a second read, I feel a lot differently than I did the first time around. I can't separate uncomfortable feelings of reading about a teenager basically starting a cult and attracting people who are at their absolute most vulnerable to join. It doesn't sit well with me to read about Lauren's glee to "raise babies in Earthseed." And the intense, intense, dehumanization and otherizing of people using drugs, making them into physically unrecognizable monsters, is something I can't get past. If Lauren has hyper-empathy, and is more sensitive to people in need of help, then why does the buck stop with people using drugs?